How To Write For The Internet – 4 Critical Mistakes To Avoid

Writing Tips

Were you never good at writing in highschool or college…?

No problem!

You don’t have to have a formal writing education to be an excellent blogger…or even a copywriter for that matter!

Interestingly enough, many famous novelists…and even some of the best copywriters never had a background in formal writing.

And you know what…both types of writers would agree there is a HUGE difference between writing a research paper for high school…and writing content that keeps your reader engaged.

The next time you’re getting ready to crank out an article,blog post, or sales letter…I’d like you to forget everything your English teacher taught you.

Instead, try following these simple guidelines!

Stick To Short Paragraphs

Short paragraphs are easy on the eye… and more inviting to read.

Chances are, if you’ve spent some time in forums…you’ve come across the occasional post that looks like a giant square block of text.

And if you’re like most people….you probably didn’t read the whole post…or any of it for that matter!

Don’t make that mistake. Keep your content broken up in small chunks.

Include a sub-heading for your “topic sentence”… and any paragraphs that follow should be kept at around 3-4 sentences.

Also, bullet points are your friend when writing online…use them whenever it makes sense to!

Keep Your Language Simple

All those fancy vocabulary words you had to memorize in school won’t do you much good online.

The more “mental energy” your readers have to use in order to read your writing…the less effective you will be at keeping them engaged and getting your message across.

The worst thing you can do is cause a reader to stop reading your article because they had to switch over to and look up a word they didn’t understand!

Deliver Your Important Message At The Beginning

People have severe “internet ADD”, and most of the time you only have a few seconds to catch their attention.

Have you discovered an amazing solution to a problem that’s driving your market crazy?

This is the time to let them know about it!

You need to give them a reason to read your article right away, or else you’ll risk losing them forever!

Don’t Jump From One Topic To Another

Your articles or blog posts need to be targeted. Remember, we aren’t writing novels here!

People like their online content in easily digestible portions.

Pick a topic…and drill down on it.

Not only is this more manageable for your readers, it also makes things easier for SEO.

Now that you know how to write for an online audience, all you need is a STARVING CROWD to market to.

Click here to get 7 starving crowd niches plus 5 articles for each niche AND 5 free bonuses!

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