One mistake that many marketers make, even experienced ones, is to try selling or promoting a product without knowing exactly who they’re selling to. In other words, they don’t know who their customer is.
It’s important to be able to relate to your potential customer and to use the same “language” he or she uses. In order to do this, you need to spend a little bit of time doing some research on your “ideal” client.
You need to spend time hanging out where they hang out, and finding out what they’re talking about. Pay attention to the questions they’re asking and specifically to the problems they’re having.
Most marketers won’t do this. They won’t take the extra time to find out who their perfect customer is and market specifically to that person. The most successful marketers will, but they don’t make up the majority of Internet marketers.
(Hmmmm…can you see a connection there?)
With InstaCash Keywords, we provide the niche keywords…but it’s up to you to determine who your best customer is.
Let’s look at an example… let’s take the skin lightening niche. In the screenshot below, you’ll see a portion of a page in a skin lightening forum. On the left, I underlined in red some of the questions people are asking about skin lightening. To the right of that, you can see the number of pages of discussion for each topic.
The next column shows the date of the most recent response, and in this case, they were all made yesterday. This lets you know it’s a very active forum.
The next to the last column, the one with blue numbers, shows you how many replies are in each thread. The black numbers in the last column indicate how many times that thread has been viewed.
So let’s take a look at that image in more detail. This is how you find out who your customer is and what’s on their mind.
The second thread listed is a discussion someone started because they had been ridiculed by their manager in front of their coworkers about lightening their skin. There are five pages of discussion on the topic, and I have no doubt you could gather enough information from this one thread to create a free report to give away or enough content for several articles to put on your site.
The next thread in the list is someone talking about their skin peeling from one of the treatments. There’s not a lot of discussion on this one yet, but you could probably do some research on tretinoin and find out if others are having the same issue, and if so, what they’re doing about it.
In the middle of the page, there’s a beginners guide to LA/GA Peels. That discussion is 11 pages long and is without doubt a fantastic source of information. Not only is it directed specifically at beginners, there are illustrations included. You can tell from the title of the thread, and from some of the other threads, that the skin lightening niche has its own jargon. Almost all niches do, to some degree. If you’re going to relate to your customer, you need to become familiar with the jargon specific to their niche.
The last one in the image was just started yesterday but it reflects a person’s desire to have even skin tone. You can almost hear their plea in the written words. And it just makes sense, if one person is feeling this way, there are bound to be others having similar feelings.
Are you starting to see how using the forums can give you insight about who your customer is, the issues they’re facing, and the questions they’re asking? And this is only *one* part of *one* page in *one* forum.
Utilize the forums to learn who your customers are. Offer them the solutions to their problems and the answers to their questions and over time you’ll develop loyal customers who will like you, trust you, and buy from you repeatedly.
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